
Monday, August 23, 2010

Lazy Baker

Sigh. This weekend was not a good one. First off I didn't get any baking done, but that was mainly because I wasn't feeling great when I actually tried to get some done. Not good at all. I was planning on making chocolate chip cookies, but that failed at the attempt.

This week I will get those cookies done and I plan on making some chili too.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Dried Cherry Crumb Cake

Mmm. Doesn't that sound yummy!? It looks so good when it's finally done. It's nice because it doesn't have any icing, so I can actually eat them.

Crumb muffins :)

I also made them Blueberry White chocolate muffins and macadamia nut cookies. But I don't ahave any pictures for those though. Sadly. This week has just flown by. This weekend I didn't really feel like baking but I'll most likely just pop some chocolate cookies into the oven tomorrow or maybe later tonight. 


Saturday, August 7, 2010

My Chocolate Chip Cookies

I haven't made chocolate chips in a loong time, and that's what the request was at work. "Can you make chocolate chip cookies?" Or anything with chocolate. I guess all the vanilla wasn't doing it for them anymore. Aren't they getting demanding? Haha.

My new mixer creaming the butter and sugar. 

Mmmm.... Cookie dough. Hard to see the chips though. 

Waiting to get into the oven =D


I'm still planning on making 2 different kinds tomorrow. I'm a busy baker this weekend! White chocolate macadamia nut, and Toffee Pecan cookies!!! Good thing cookies take no time at all to make. =) 

Til tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I am terrible. I get so distracted by the food that I forget to take pictures!! I had wings again last night, and they were so yummy. I walked out afterwards and remembered that I was supposed to take a picture. Terrible, I know.

So I brought in my carrot cake to work, and got awesome reviews on it! I'm so happy. They keep asking me if I'm turning into a baker as a second job, and that I should look into it. Hmm a thought? Haha, I have thought about it. I just don't know. I could make it work. But where? I think I have to decide the location first. Right now, I'm just content baking (as it is a great stress reliever) and having people enjoy what I make and bring in.

Cookies next week!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Carrot Cake!

I have this awful habit of baking late at night. I didn't finish this masterpiece until 12.30 am! I sadly didn't take as many pictures as I wanted to either, Tiz is failing at being my photographer while I'm baking, as I'm concentrating too hard.

I made a carrot cake, with cream cheese icing. I always have excessive amounts of icing left over, and this time I even cut the recipe in half! I'm not keen on huge amounts of icing anyways. I find it too sweet, even if I don't make it sweet. So, that's how I'm not going to turn into a fat baker, because I rarely eat anything I make. One or two here and there, but no more than that.

I really enjoyed making the icing, it was ridiculously easy and looks so cool when it's made. The carrot cake smelled divine as soon as I added in the cinnamon. Once it started baking, MM! Delish. It looked so gooood. (And I didn't have any problems with volcanic batter this time either. It was perfection.)

All in all, this was a complete success. No burnt edges or anything!! Or complete meltdowns on my part. I am known to be a complete mess in the kitchen ;)

Until next time!