
Monday, August 2, 2010

Carrot Cake!

I have this awful habit of baking late at night. I didn't finish this masterpiece until 12.30 am! I sadly didn't take as many pictures as I wanted to either, Tiz is failing at being my photographer while I'm baking, as I'm concentrating too hard.

I made a carrot cake, with cream cheese icing. I always have excessive amounts of icing left over, and this time I even cut the recipe in half! I'm not keen on huge amounts of icing anyways. I find it too sweet, even if I don't make it sweet. So, that's how I'm not going to turn into a fat baker, because I rarely eat anything I make. One or two here and there, but no more than that.

I really enjoyed making the icing, it was ridiculously easy and looks so cool when it's made. The carrot cake smelled divine as soon as I added in the cinnamon. Once it started baking, MM! Delish. It looked so gooood. (And I didn't have any problems with volcanic batter this time either. It was perfection.)

All in all, this was a complete success. No burnt edges or anything!! Or complete meltdowns on my part. I am known to be a complete mess in the kitchen ;)

Until next time!

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