
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Volcanic Loaves & Cupcakes

I've been baking like mad, (by mad, I really mean once a week) and I bring in the stuff to work. The guys all love me because I bring in free food. I get compliments on them so I'm happy. This week I start the "from-scratch" stuff. We shall see if the compliments still come in. Hah. I bought a cookbook that's just desserts, and I'm super excited to start baking from it. I can't wait. I can't wait to start decorating the cupcakes with actual homemade frosting/icing. It's so pretty and holds so many pretty famous desserts.

But for now, here's some random pictures of my not-yet-from-scratch baking.

Tiz got a little carried away when we made horse sugar cookies.

Cherry Chip mini cupcakes!! Yummy.

My exciting new cupcake liners!

Chocolate & Vanilla cupcakes with chocolate shavings

My disastrous loaf. It tastes amazing, but put to much batter 
in the pan and it volcano-ed on me. I cut off the top and
covered it in icing. :) 

More next time I bake for updates. I'm really loving all this time I have on my hands to bake!

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